comScore breakdown of Technorati traffic

Technorati comScore graph

comScore Media Metrix has published a breakdown of Technorati’s visitors as well as inbound and outbound link traffic. comScore now tracks over 4.5 million monthly unique visitors to Technorati as of April 2006.

Of those people visiting in April, 29.6 percent arrived at the site via Similarly, 26.6 percent of those leaving the site immediately went to The high level of cross-visitation suggests a symbiotic relationship between the two sites.

Yahoo!, Wikipedia, eBay, and MSN are also high sources of traffic according to comScore. No mention of Google, or Technorati’s media partners in the comScore analysis. Technorati’s largest age demographic is 35-54 year olds (36%).

I’ve seen many instances of the “MySpace effect” on the growth of online startups. YouTube, Userplane, and Slide are just a few companies benefiting from easy integration with MySpace and its millions of users.