Are portals back in fashion?

In this week’s episode of Om and Niall PodSessions Om and I talk about Google Finance, the latest piece of the search company’s portal play. According to Hitwise, 10% of Google UK’s visitors clicked out to Business and Finance sites last week. Yahoo! Finance received .02% of those clicks. Is Google in denial about its move towards a portal service?

I liked the new Google Finance, especially the chart overlays and integration with other Google products. Om found the new product lacking a few of his favorite features from Yahoo! Finance such as institutional holdings and insider trading.

A search company executive recently told me that Google averages 15 searches per user per month. A search engine can focus on growing its user base of searchers or increasing the number of searchers per user. The introduction of auxiliary features such as Google Finance add new launchpads of search activity across Google properties that results in highly targeted and high-revenue advertising.

We talk about these issues and more in this week’s PodSession, Pushing the Portal. The podcast is 19 minutes long, a 9 MB download.