The Technorati Users Group went well. Nine people learned new things about Technorati and five Technorati employees had a chance to interact with potential power users. I enjoyed making it all happen.
I tethered myself to a projection TV and stepped through my prepared slides — my first time using the S-Video output on my PowerBook. I highlighted some features of the Technorati web site, showed how to create a watchlist, introduced the developer wiki, and showed the API responses. I briefly showed the Java SDK and an application I put together just minutes before the meeting.
I did not record any audio or tune-in to the IRC channel; I was too busy trying to make things work locally. 21st Amendment is a noisy space so I found myself yelling a bit to reach my audience.
It was good to have Technorati employees present but it is certainly not a prohibitive factor to forming a users group. You could put together a users group in your own city as well. If you are interested in discussing users groups or developer events leave a comment or drop me a note. I am sure I will have more reflections after I have gathered more responses.