MSN Search is giving away prizes to searchers who pay close attention to ads in its search results. If you see a sponsored link with the words “MSN Search & Win” and click on the ad you may have won a new snowboard or maid service.
A pretty clever way to get users to pay more attention to ads in search results. Users may change their search behavior to try and trigger a prize response for sponsors such as Bugaboo, Crate and Barrel, and Design within Reach, an average $2.50 CPC on Google AdWords.
As usual quite uninteresting for most of us: “This Promotion is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia”
(btw the preview results in an error
Parse error in template ‘Comment Preview Template’: with no )
Too bad Nicole is right; or I would have smelled a Greasemonkey script coming up. :-)