It’s been too long since we’ve had a blogger meetup over chinese food. Next Wednesday, May 31, Dave Winer and I are co-hosting a blogger dinner at Henry’s Hunan in downtown San Francisco starting at 6:30 p.m. Come out and meet a few new people, learn about Bloggercon and its themes, and connect with people and projects happening in the area.
Henry’s Hunan is located at 110 Natoma Street, just two blocks from the Montgomery Street BART and Muni station. Check out the journey through the Henry Hunan menu blog if you would like to see a blog entry for every dish on the menu. Each table of 10 will have their own bill. Expect a cost of around $15 and possibly less.
Wednesday, May 31
6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Henry’s Hunan
110 Natoma Street
San Francisco
Please RSVP in the comments or on Upcoming so I can reserve enough tables for everyone who would like to attend. See you next Wednesday!