Segway GT golf transporter

This fall Segway will introduce a customized version of their i Series: the GT, or golf transporter. According to Nick Kaye of The New York Times the new Segway “will come customized with a golf bag, cooler, ball and scorecard holders, seat and G.P.S.” The Segway’s batteries may not last an entire 18-hole round….

Alcohol Without Liquid

Alcohol Without Liquid (AWOL) is a new machine that allows bar patrons to inhale liquor in a mist instead of drinking it. It takes about 20 minutes to inhale one vaporizer shot of alcohol. Most locations charge $10 plus the cost of a shot. It looks like an inverted bong. The user chooses which alcoholic spirit will be used and the alcoholic spirit is loaded into a diffuser capsule in the machine. The oxygen bubbles are then passed through the capsule, absorbing the alcohol, before being inhaled through a tube. The resultant cloudy alcohol vapor is then inhaled from the…


RetroZone takes original controllers from NES, Super Nintendo, Genesis, Atari, and Intellivision and converts them into USB game pads. You can now have emulation with the real controllers. I already have one of the top-loading NES systems from 1993 with the “dog bone” controllers. I like to have the full system, but finding and storing the games is difficult. Emulation combined with a nice controller is a good solution….

Designer iPod cases

CITY magazine summarizes some of the designer iPod cases currently available. Some designs need a makeover for the new iPod design (headphone cable position, no cutouts for small buttons). $265 for Dior Homme or Louis Vuitton designs: just slightly less than the iPod. (via Cult of Mac)…

Salon: Must-download TV

Farhad Manjoo of Salon writes about technology for trading television shows online. While TiVo asks for permission from the FCC to release its TivoToGo service, developers using BitTorrent and RSS have created a similar system without restraints. In recent months, a host of developers and TV enthusiasts have been working on ways to improve online trading — they’re building sophisticated networks to record and encode and distribute shows, and they’re improving peer-to-peer transfer systems to make downloading easier. The hottest new improvement is made possible by the merging of two Internet innovations, the peer-to-peer protocol BitTorrent and RSS, the popular…

iTunes on your cell phone

Motorola and Apple announced a partnership to transfer songs from iTunes to a Motorola phone via a USB or Bluetooth connection. Before Steve Jobs made the announcement Ed Zander held up an iPod and a Motorola phone and said “It would be great if we could just figure out a way to bring these two devices together.” The start of something bigger?…

Kodak Plus Digital Film

Kodak has new 35mm and Advantix film named Plus Digital Film. Take your 35mm camera, pop in the 35mm and I am sure most consumers will think they have just upgraded to digital photography. What is digital about this product? If you process your photographs using Kodak’s Perfect Touch processing service they will return your prints with a free CD. In case you regularly forget to check the box on the envelope indicating you would like a scan of your photographs on CD, your film’s packaging lets the photo lab know you would really like a CD with your…