PlayStation 2 video chat

EyeToy, Sony’s camera attachment for the PlayStation 2, will now allow PlayStation 2 owners with a network adapter to use video features. “The video mail feature will allow users to send 30-second video messages to anyone on their buddy list.”…

iPod IPO

Alex Salkever of Business Week would like to see an iPod IPO. For Apple, the best move right now is to spin out iPod and pocket the cash, because Wall Street’s current euphoria marks the market’s peak. Although Apple would be loath to admit it, digital music players are on the verge of commoditization….

MacMice MicFlex USB microphone

MacMice has a new USB microphone shipping May 7: the MicFlex. Bend it around the back of your screen and aim it at your recording subject. (via Gizmodo) I would like to record more of the technical presentations I attend with the online world, and this new microphone might be a good portable answer! If you have a better solution for audio recording presentations from the crowd, please let me know….

Independent : Decreasing life of a CD-R

Why do different CD-R media claim different shelf lives? Dutch personal computer magazine PC Active put 30 brands to the test by placing them in a dark cupboard for two years and retesting. Independent (U.K.) reports on the CD-R test results. 10 percent showed aging problems after two years….

Sports Illustrated’s digital workflow

Eamon Hickey follows the path of Sports Illustrated photography from the 2004 Super Bowl from the time the images leave the photographer’s camera. “16,183 digital pictures shot in Houston’s Reliant Stadium by eleven of the magazine’s staff photographers over the course of about six hours” reviewed and then sent to New York. He covers the different equipment used and the staff’s switch from film to digital. (via Tim Bray)…

Tiffany stylus

Tiffany & Co. has a sterling silver stylus for $70. It might work with the new Tablet PCs that do not require a battery in the stylus, but I am not sure. Luxury digitized ink!…