Yahoo! Maps SmartView service

Yahoo! launched a new Yahoo! Maps service today, incoprating new localized content. “The SmartView service lets surfers use the Yahoo Maps section of the company’s Web site to view information on local points of interest, such as restaurants, hotels, parks, automatic teller machines and post offices.”…

Wired Magazine : The (Evil) Genius of Comment Spammers

Steven Johnson writes in this month’s Wired Magazine about the battle over content spam in weblogs. “[S]pammers weren’t trying to win the attention of the bloggers or their readerships. They were trying to win the attention of Google, like the high school bully beating up the class nerd to impress the homecoming queen. The nerd feels violated, but the truth is that it isn’t really about him at all.”…

Searching Google for local WiFi

Google’s Search By Location service provides a quick way to find WiFi access points near your zip code. Yes, there are more comprehensive lists out there, but a quick Google search is a good way to find more authoritative lists for your specific area….

Yahoo! Slurp

Yahoo! dumped Google yesterday and started using a new crawler, Yahoo! Slurp. Maximum index size is now 500K and includes PDF and Microsoft Office documents. Personalization is next….