ccPublisher 1.0

Nathan Yergler announced ccPublisher, a tool that allows content creators to upload Creative Commons licensed audio or video files to your site or to the Internet Archive for free hosting. ccPublisher will embed a license claim in MP3 audio files. The OS X version is a whopping 60 MB. The application is written in Python and is a part of the Creative Commons Tools project on….

Programming Summit at Sun

Sun Microsystems hosted a programming summit yesterday with many big names in programming in attendance. Tim Bray has a good write-up about the day, the process putting together the event, and some of the outcomes. GroovyJames Stachan JavaGraham HamiltonGilad BrachaMartin Buchholz ParrotDan Sugalski PerlLarry Wall PythonGuido van RossumSamuele PedroniSean McGrath Good to see so many major coders in one spot to share ideas. Tim predicts “that as time goes by, more and more of the code written in the Java ecosystem won’t be in Java. This is a good thing.”…

Python 2.4 is out

Python 2.4 is now available. Unification of integers and long integers, better floating point number support, multiple calls per XML-RPC operation, cookie support, and a subprocess module for spawning platform-independent processes are just some of the new features….

Koders source code search engine

Koders is a search engine for source code. Very useful when you want to see how other projects have implemented the code you are considering. You can even check out an estimation for how much money you will save by integrating the existing code or project versus building it yourself. Some examples: Google reference in java code GAIM costs more than HTTPD?…

LexisNexis and code funerals

Programmers at LexisNexis have a creative method of expiring outdated code: it is buried in a graveyard. There are at least eight grave markers and some funerals include the playing of “Taps” and eulogies. To make sure really hated sites are banished forever some employees drive a stake through the printed pages of code….

Flickr architecture

Cal Henderson of Ludicorp gave a presentation to the Vancouver PHP Association on September 9 about Flickr’s general architecture and the use of PHP. A zip of the PowerPoint presentation is available on Flickr’s site. I converted the PowerPoint presentation to a PDF file for easy viewing. (via MovableBlog Asides) Some interesting statistics on Flickr as of September 2004: About 60,000 lines of PHP code. About 60,000 lines of templates. About 25,000 database transactions per second at peak. 13 selects per insert/update/delete. About 1,000 pages per second at peak. They use Java for their node service and as a FTP…

Amazon announces new Web services introduced Alexa Web Information Service and updated Amazon E-Commerce Service. Alexa Web Information service allows for retrieval of site information such as popularity, related sites, detailed usage/traffic stats, supported character-set/locales, site contact information, meta data, and a list of links in and out of the site. The service is currently free and allows 10,000 requests per subscription ID per day. Check out the SDK page for more information. Amazon E-Commerce Service 4.0 allows access to detailed product attributes, product images, customer reviews, and attribute search. The service is free and you may make no more than one request to… moves to Movable Type is a Sun Microsystems site serving as a common area for conversations and development projects related to Java technology. As of last Monday the site is now powered by Movable Type. Movable Type provides the features weblog authors were requesting such as XML-RPC….

J2SE 5.0 launch on Thursday

Sun is throwing a launch party for J2SE 5.0 this Thursday at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. I plan on being there to talk Java with lots of interesting people. I have never been to the Computer History Museum but I have been meaning to check it out. If you are wondering when J2SE 5.0 will finally be released, the answer seems to be Thursday. I have been using some of the new features of J2SE 5.0 for the past few months. Generics, autoboxing, enhanced for loop (think foreach) and many more new features available….

Java powered BMW

The current Business Week features a special report on automotive technology. Jim Kerstetter writes about the new automotive software capable of updates and upgrades such as Siemens VDO Automotive’s Top Level Architecture based on Java. BMW can continually write updates and add-ons that work together without testing, thanks to the underlying Java. Every time a car owner visits a BMW dealer, new software, like a new navigation system, can be added. Partners that know how to program in Java could also write software to run on iDrive. A rental-car company, for example, could automatically send information such as updated mileage…