ConCon aftermath
Tonight I attended ConCon, a one hour briefing of talks and ideas from O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. Kevin Marks introduced Technorati‘s services. Ralf Muehlen introduced me to SFLAN. Cory Doctorow thinks that e-books now are where online music was in 1996: no one saw a reason why anyone would give up the tangible quality of a work. Kevin Burton is working on a plugin for Mozilla to export Orkut data for import into other formats such as FOAF. Scott Draves talked about his Electric Sheep project which is a very cool distributed genetic graphics engine. Tantek gave a quick overview of his semantic web presentation. Extensible Open XHTML Outlines was new to me.
Rx Gallery was packed. I was amazed given how quickly the event was thrown together. WiFi was plentiful and Mac users were using ZeroConf to introduce themselves to each other over iChat. I am surprised there are not more ZeroConf applications available.