The Widgets Live! conference sold its last ticket this morning, filling the room next Monday with 200 people interested in the current state of the widget ecosystem and what’s next. We have a good mix of people in attendance, representing large content publishers, investors, designers, and even some hardware manufacturers. It should be a lot of fun. Below is some more information about Widgets Live! attendees. visitors

The conference website had visitors from all over the world and is a pretty good correlation to conference attendees. We’ll have companies present from Europe, India, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and the United States.

Attendees by sector of interest

What form of widgets interests you the most?
Widgets Live attendee areas of interest

We asked attendees to identify the widget platform of greatest interest. 51% of respondents were most interested in blogs and social networking, 17% in personalized homepages, and 15% in desktop widget opportunities.

Attendees by job function

What best describes your job function?
Widgets Live attendee job function

We asked attendees to identify their job function. Product and development areas are equally represented at about 36% each, and 9% of the respondents identified themselves as designers.

Widget strategies

Do you or your company currently have a widget strategy?
Widgets Live attendee widget strategy

Thirty-percent of respondents did not already have a widget strategy and are attending Widgets Live! to learn more about the area. Everyone will learn a lot more about possibilities beyond their current understanding of widgets.


Guessing the number of attendees and limiting your venue options appropriately was loosely informed and mainly pulled out of thin air but it worked out well. If you’re attending the conference, see you on Monday, and if not you’ll definitely hear some of the news being announced at the conference from other attendees.