Mac OS X 10.3.3

Apple today released OS X 10.3.3 via Software Update and standalone installer. Now supports Bluetooth 1.5, AppleTalk Browsing is now on by default, and many more features….

Wired Magazine : The (Evil) Genius of Comment Spammers

Steven Johnson writes in this month’s Wired Magazine about the battle over content spam in weblogs. “[S]pammers weren’t trying to win the attention of the bloggers or their readerships. They were trying to win the attention of Google, like the high school bully beating up the class nerd to impress the homecoming queen. The nerd feels violated, but the truth is that it isn’t really about him at all.”…

Windows XP. Why not upgrade?

Scoble is wondering what Microsoft could do to evangelize Windows XP to users of Windows 98. My comment entry was getting a bit long, so I will post it here instead. Ask the average user and they have no clue when the support life of Windows 98 ends and why that might matter to them. I assume that Windows 98 users are mostly home users. The real question is will my stuff still work, how much will it cost me, and is all this change worth the chance that my stuff will not work as it is supposed to? What…