
Nick Bradbury has put together a pretty cool RSS aggregator called FeedDemon. Written entirely in Delphi. It’s tough to code to .Net when the CLR is over 20 MB. You can bundle a Delphi or Python runtime, but I rather pull off of common libraries. Can a developer ship and require a 20 MB+ required library download? It’s tough in the small app world. I would love to roll out something that uses Microsoft’s P2P libraries, but I doubt anyone has that installed right now. If you build it, they will come……


Day 2 of Gnomedex and so far so good. Nelson Minar had a good speech on an overview of Google, but was nothing I did not know already. Learning more about AdSense was something new for me. Cost per click and past click relevancy are both used to determine page position. Nelson hopped on IRC for the rest of the day, but I couldn’t find him at the Meet the Speakers part of the day. Eric Sink was interesting, and reaffirmed that I want to take a look at C#. Rob Malda was great, and unscripted. Met the wife. They…

MSFT Analysts Day

Today was Microsoft’s day-long brieifing of financial analysts. Lots of information out there, and I have not read through or watched any of it yet. Visual Studio 2005 is code named Orcas? Must be a Pacific Northwest thing. I need Whidbey so I can code for Longhorn….

The search for a Tablet camera

I was hoping that the Veo Traveler for Pocket PC would work with my Tablet. After contacting their sales department I find out that no, it will not work. I have a flap over my USB connectors, so even if I did find something like the Paceblade camera I would have to bend back the cover. PC Card slot and CF slot are exposed, so I am trying to find a camera to attach there….

Creative’s new webcam

Creative has a new mobile WebCam with swivel that docks to the top of a laptop screen (or in my case, my Tablet). Smaller than an iSight, but with Windows drivers, and a third of the cost. Still looking for mobile still capture for my Tablet….

My New Tablet

I have had my new Compaq Tablet PC for a little over a week now. I have an 802.11b network set up at home with 128-bit WEP and MAC address security. I bring my Tablet to work with me every day. My company is worried about having any devices it has not fully configured hooked up to its network, so I am not able to take advantage of wireless Internet, or any Internet, at work. The best use for my Tablet is loading something on the device and bringing it with me to someone’s office to illustrate the code,…